Monthly Archives: June 2014


Jun 2014

A Balanced HR Scorecard

CEOs often have a single-minded focus on the bottom line. They assess financial performance, and tie outcomes to market trends. Many overlook (or avoid) recognizing that a leading indicator of financial results is a successful workforce. The truth is, competitive advantage begins with your human capital. Measurement systems – whether for your company as a whole or the HR function – create value only when...

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Jun 2014

18 Minutes by Peter Bregman

Do you feel as though there could ever be enough time in the day? I’ve seldom met an executive who doesn’t cite time management as a critical concern. Over the course of my career, there are several leaders who have stood out in this area. They seem to enjoy balance and productivity. They share a common trait: a hunger to discuss time management with others...

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Jun 2014

The Go-Giver by Bob Burg

One of my clients shared this book with me a few years ago, and it immediately became a go-to resource that I regularly recommend to executives. It inspired leaders and challenged teams to reimagine outcomes by rethinking their business theology. The true value of The Go-Giver requires a shift in thinking which transforms the mindset of a ‘go getter’ into an entirely different paradigm of...

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